Friday 20 January 2012

My first foray into blogging

I suppose the first thing I should do as I begin my blogging career is to tell you a little about myself...well here goes the elevator pitch:

Name: Daniel
Age: 20 something
City: Montreal
Additional info: I love hockey, exploring new restaurants, movies and teasing my sister in-law...anything else important, I guess you'll find out as we go. 

As part of a school assignment, our professor, let's call him Mr.T, because by his own admission his last name is ridiculously hard to pronounce (come to think of it, professors with last names that are impossible to pronounce is becoming a bit of a pattern for me lately...Mr.G...) where was I again? Oh right, Mr.T had asked us to start our own blogs and write about things that interested us. The only condition was that our first post had to be about  the class (Internet Business and Social Technology)... sounds easy enough right? But I thought to myself, what on earth am I going to write about after I've written my first post? the solution came to me in the most curious of is customary for me, I usually go home to visit my parents about twice a week, Sunday and Tuesday nights. These are the nights the whole family gets together to discuss their week, and have a nice family dinner together...this is also when my dad decides to argue and debate with my brother about anything and everything, ranging from economics to the color of the sky...the problem is that he is now semi-retired and receives about 7 different kinds of news publications.

You do the math on this one: 7 publications with on average 30 different articles...close to 210 different stories per day...that makes 1470 different topics and stories he has had a chance to brush up on during the week. Granted he only reads about half that, but that still gives him sufficient ammunition to drive  my brother and I sufficiently crazy on Sunday nights when he decides to quiz us on the various topics of the week, and his take on them.

So as I was saying, my dad like to read...a lot! So this past Sunday, my dad had been reading an article on the upcoming SOPA legislation vote, and decided to ask me a few questions on the topic. The one question that really stuck with me  was when he asked me about Google. I suppose he had misread the word, but imagine my dad, serious as he can be, with a very thick Spanish accent, asking me if I knew anything about this "GOOOOOGGGLESSS" thing. I suppose it was not the nature of the question that made me laugh, but rather the way he asked it. My dad did not understand why I was laughing at him, and despite my having corrected him multiple times on the proper pronunciation of Google, he still stubbornly believes that Gooooogggglesss is the proper way to say it. Experience has taught me, that sometimes, no matter how hard I try, I will never convince my dad of my point of view...and you know what? That's okay with me, because I always have a good time arguing with him, and it makes for some pretty darn good stories to tell my friends.

So back to my original point: I have decided to dedicate this blog to my mom and dad (because after all, my mother puts up with most of his craziness), and all the ridiculous things that he says. I know he sure makes me laugh on a regular basis, so I thought why not share his humorous view of the world with you.  

Stay tuned, as my dad discovers social media and gives me a migraine.


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