Saturday 21 January 2012

My dad on relativity...and possibly meal presentation

Hello after my first post, I got some really great feedback from friends and family, who all said they enjoyed reading my dad's original take on the world. I hope you'll enjoy more of the ridiculousness he was imparted onto me over the years, and maybe learn a thing or two by accident.

For those of you who don't know my dad, he has worked in the restaurant industry around the world for over 30 years, and knows a few things about food. When you find him in a kitchen, he'll usually tell you that the most important ingredient in a recipe is's pretty hard to take him seriously when he throws in everything except the kitchen sink into a meal and then has you play the "guess what I put in the dish game" (something that will really have you thinking about what's still in your fridge...but that will be for another story).

So what was I talking about again? Oh right, love...more often then not he is right, and if the meal is not made with affection, this will be quite evident in the lack of flavor. But my dad also correctly believes that presentation is half the battle when cooking. As he so often tells my mother, if you don't plate the meal with love, then you didn't make it with love, thus you don't love me. My poor mother...she has been putting up with his antics for over 30 years of happy marriage, and in her defense, it's pretty hard to keep up with some of his presentations (i.e: Christmas dinner...tell you all about that some other time).

So this brings me to the topic of this post, my father's take on relativity...and possibly meal presentation. The other day as I as over or dinner, my mother was serving dinner, and for some reason my dad simply replies to her:

Dad: You serve dinner like a Greek person. (keep in my mind my mom is Mexican)
Mom: What does that mean? (with a rightfully so confused look on her face) 
Dad: I don't know....but it seems appropriate...

Which of course made me laugh, by the very random and ridiculous nature of the comment...but it got me he always says to me "Daniel, everything in life is relative to your perspective. Take it as you will" pretty good advice right? It is. And I think that's how my mom took it. It could be that my dad was making a comment (good or bad...who knows) on my mom's presentation skills...but it's also a safer bet to assume he was just trying to get a rile out of her by saying something random.

Like any old couple will tell, you learn to tune out most of the non-sense and just laugh at the good times. So it could be that my dad was making a statement on meal presentation skills, or simply trying to teach me about the relativity of life...either or, we all had a good about it.

Stay tuned for more.


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